Become who you've always known you could be.

Imagine waking up every day, confident in your decisions, your path, and your future. No more second guessing yourself. No more feeling stuck.

Just pure, unshakable self-belief.

I'm Eileen, and if you've landed here it's because you're looking for a breakthrough, or you might be wondering if you're ready for one... 

Spoiler alert! If you're here, you probably are, and have been wondering "what's next" for a while. 

During a Breakthrough Session with me, you'll experience transformational shifts that will change the way you approach your life.

I'll help you dig deep into the subconscious patterns that hold you back and guide you toward the "aha" moments that can finally set you free.

Request your free session

Discover your Feminine Energy Archetype

Take this quiz to explore how your Archetype influences your Strengths, Desires, and Challenges. Embrace who you are now and gain insight into how you might evolve once you start tapping into the power of your subconscious mind...
Take the quiz now

So, between you and me... what's been going on?

You've probably been stuck in the same patterns, frustrated with the progress you've made, and it feels like you're running on a hamster wheel.

It's like there's a wall between you and the life you know you're capable of living.

That wall?

It's built from years of subconscious programming - those hidden beliefs telling you you're not good enough, not worthy, or can't have it all.

These thoughts run the show without you even realizing it, keeping you from the self-expression, joy, and success you deserve.

And, what happens when nothing changes? 

You repeat what you don't want. 

Your subconscious patterns keep running the self-sabotaging bs. 

See, this isn't even something you're doing intentionally. It's like those apps on the phone, they're refreshing in the background. 

Until you shut them down. 

This is your invitation to do that because if you don't you'll spend years, maybe decades, not fully living the life you know is meant for you. 

It's time for you to step into YOU, and I can show you how.

I'm here to guide you through the shift.

Look, I grew up in a violent, alcoholic home, surrounded by chaos and fear. I learned not to trust, not to love freely, to protect myself from the world.

That armour became my reality - self-protection at all costs.

But beneath that was a victim mentality, a scarcity mindset, and deeply conditioned beliefs that kept me playing small.

I changed my life by becoming aware of these subconscious patterns and deciding I wasn't going to let them define me anymore.

It was hard. It felt impossible at times. But, when I started shifting my thoughts, everything changed. The weight I carried for so long was gone, and I began attracting the life I truly deserved.

New opportunities, an amazing partner, built a wonderful family together, financial abundance, and above all, peace.

I know you what that too - to rewrite the story you're living and finally step into the life you've been chasing for so long. That's what our call is about. In our time together, we'll dig deep. You'll have breakthroughs. You'll see patterns you couldn't see before, and you'll leave with a clear path forward.

This is your invitation to own who you know you are.

Intuitive Breakthrough & Transformation Coaching


Private Coaching - Step into a profound coaching experience with me, Eileen MacDonell, a Napoleon Hill and Tony Robbins-trained coach. As an intuitive and medium, we'll unearth your hidden barriers, opening you up to conquer self-doubt, create confidence, and guide you to embrace who you are and who you're meant to be. Get ready for next-level you!


Evolve a 90 day transformative journey that will free you from the chains of self-doubt, negative self-talk, and the lingering shadows of trauma. You'll rewrite the narrative of your life, interrupting old patterns that have held you back for far too long. This program is your key to self-trust like you've never known before, rock-solid confidence, and the freedom to be exactly who you are.


Beautiful Stories of Transformations...

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Eileen is a ‘Masterful Coach’ and ensures total engagement. She's intuitive, brave, letting a “Higher Intelligence” guide her and trusts this instinctive gut feeling - this visceral knowing, challenging you to go to deeper levels in your soul to find answers.
I have experienced many breakthroughs that have led to immense self-growth and highly recommend Eileen - she genuinely cares about you achieving your highest goals.

Deva Perera, Self-Leadership & Success Coach

Thank you Eileen, every session with you is embracing a part of me. You inspire me a lot too, because I feel that I'm learning how to be with my own clients. From the first meeting, you were there to hold space for me and provide me with the needed tools. And your incredible gift of pointing my blindspots and showing me how everything revolves around that. Working with you is amazing. 

Ioana Banut, Strategic Intervention Coach

Eileen helped me uplevel my leadership. She supported me through times when I was feeling incapable with her patient and intuitive coaching style.  She helped me see my blindspots.  She is such a powerful coach that leads me in the direction of my dreams!

Constantina Biondo, Wellness Advocate & Network Marketing Leader 

Eileen is a powerful transformation coach. Before working with her I was unknowingly a shell of my true self. I was skepical of trusting others or myself for that matter.  I held back afraid of judgment and rejection. Eileen guided me to unlocking the invisible chains holding me back. Now I'm a woman unleashed!

Lindsay McCue, Functional Medicine Holistic Health Coach

The latest from my blog 

Get started with one of my 6-week courses

Create good energy

We hear the saying “good vibes only” everywhere, but that’s easier said than done. Good vibes are not about pretending nothing is wrong. They’re about creating positive energy around yourself and what you’re doing.

Start this course
An attitude of gratitude

When you come from a place of abundance and gratitude, your whole life will change. This course will help you appreciate life (even the aspects you used to dread), and you’ll see success and failure from a fresh perspective.

Start this course
Who you’re meant to be

We are all unique individuals with dreams and desires. As we grow, the world around us begins to influence our identity. This course will lead you on a journey of self-discovery where you step into who you’re meant to be with confidence.  

Start the course

Meet Eileen MacDonell

Eileen, is a globally recognized bestselling author and coach renowned for her expertise in cultivating transformational mindsets among accomplished, mission-driven women worldwide. With a passion for empowering women to reprogram their thoughts for unparalleled success, Eileen has become a trusted figure, impacting thousands through her dynamic approach. 

As the architect of many transformational programs, Eileen has crafted a revolutionary framework guiding women towards profound personal and professional transformations. Her internationally acclaimed co-authored books, including the bestselling "Cracking The Rich Code" and "The Aligned Alchemist," have solidified her reputation as a thought leader in mindset mastery. 

Recognized for her outstanding contributions, Eileen has received several leadership awards, securing her position among the top 1% of 76,000 entrepreneurs in her industry. 

Unapologetically owning her woo, Eileen draws from many certifications, including being a Certified Napoleon Hill Instructor, Certified Tony Robbins Coach, and an Energy Healing Practitioner. Through her coaching, tailored for ambitious entrepreneurial women, she guides them to step into their power, transform their thinking, and confidently claim their next greatest version of themselves. 

Eileen's commitment to the empowerment of professional women is not just a calling but a proven journey, one that continues to inspire and uplift those seeking a profound shift in mindset and success.